Information Security: A Forward to the Modern Era


Before we look at today's modernized way of cyber security, We have to look back on the past where the internet or network were not yet available in which people were mainly focused solely on providing security measures on computers so that people with enough knowledge on computers would have a hard time accessing it. Information Security began when the first mainframe computers were created and developed. People began to put passwords and layers of security on their computers. This type of security often ensures the safety of your data within the computer but then again while Cyber Security progresses and increases it’s safety on your computer also hackers are being able to upgrade their way of hacking their way into your computer or devices such as virus, malicious software, spyware, and more. Even though things are continuously progressing, Cyber Security is only becoming more and more stronger and this would provide the welfare and the security of data of people using devices. We can’t always be too sure that the security that we have right now will totally keep hackers from hacking into our devices. It is recommended that people who use devices need to take precautions when clicking links, giving out information, and like they need to have basic knowledge on what things to do when using devices and avoid getting hacked or like just downloading stuff and you might get spyware.
There are security practices nowadays that provide more protection towards your devices such as Encryption, having unique passwords, using 2FA authentication, downloading firewalls, updating systems, having antivirus software and many more. This type of security lessens the risk of any malicious attacks and provides more protection unto your device which gives you a sense of relief that you can use your devices more efficiently and safely. Vulnerability is still a possibility on security because people who have deeper knowledge in devices tend to exploit vulnerabilities and find weaknesses that let them access other people’s data on devices. Even if securities are more advanced and stronger than before, vulnerability is still possible and imperishable because if there is an evolution of security, there is also an evolution of threats, there could also be human errors within the development of the security, vulnerabilities of systems and its complexity can be an advantage of threats. That's why providing security and having basic security practices or knowledge can be a key to help protect data and at least lessen the vulnerability of security. To be specific, being able to apply tight security is essential and can be a way of avoiding risks and providing data privacy. This kind of security would remove vulnerabilities such as human errors, evolution of threats, complexity of systems and many more. This would provide an insight where we need to be more vigilant and address this kind of issue so that it minimizes risks and puts more defenses on our devices. The security information comes in different forms such as Control forms which talks about security guards, alarm systems, door locks, vaults and more, next is the Procedural controls which talks about trainings and learning about information security and procedural plans, next is the Technical controls which talks about verification system, two-way-authentication, anti-virus software, firewalls and more, the last one would be the Compliance controls which talks about law of privacy, framework of information security and securing information. To sum it up, Information security is an essential part of our digital world or should i say in our modern world in which provides a sense of security and reliability towards the protection of digital assets or data on our devices, knowledge is not just enough, you have to act and use it as much as possible and update securities so that it reduces the risks of malicious attacks in the future.

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