The Silent Invaders: Tackling Malware and Software Threats

Technology is a big part on everyones daily life., especially computers and mobile devices. Technology is used by people for work, communication, entertainment, banking transactions, buying food, groceries, and other necessities, and even for transportation. It's almost impossible for people to get through their day without using technology. However, despite the advantages it offers it also comes with risks, especially when it comes to our personal data such as personal details, bank details, and other sensitive information, traveling through thousands if not millions of online channels, making us and our data vulnerable to various threats.

Making sure that users digital data is safe and secure is very important in the digital world. That is where information security comes into the discussion. Information security refers to the utilization of various practices, technologies, and strategies such as access control, encryption, and firewalls to provide security or protection to sensitive information systems, and networks against various threats.

Threats can be defined as anything that can exploit systems vulnerabilities and maliciously access, change, delete/remove or damage data or information. Software attacks and malware are some of the common threats in information security. Software attacks includes viruses, worms and trojans. Malware includes adware spyware and ransomware

Viruses are defined as harmful programs in your computer that has a ability to create copies of themselves.. This virus then spreads throughout users computer files and programs and it will also spread to other computers that are connected to your computer. Viruses also causes users computer to slow down, corrupt files, and steal personal informations

Worms,on the other hand, are like a virus, it can also copy itself but it travels independently through computer networks and does not need to attach themselves to a file or program.

Trojan pretends to be harmless such as regular games, applications or a file. Once the user has downloaded, run or opened this trojan it will be able to access sensitive information in your computer and do malicious and harmful activities such as stealing or selling your information, giving hackers access to your computer, or changing, removing, and damaging your files.

Adwares is one of those malwares that displays or pop-up unwanted or targeted advertisements on users screens. Adwares typically tracks users online activities such as search histories, visited websites in order to learn more about the users, then it will display targeted advertisements.. Users usually get adware on their computer when they click very suspicious links, websites, pop-ups, download free software or applications from unknown websites. Although adware is not necessarily harmful to users computers, it is annoying and definitely violates users privacy rights.

Spyware is defined as a program that monitors your computer activities, collects sensitive information and browsing histories, and then sends this information to a third party.

Ransomware is a type of software that can gain access to your computer and encrypt your files, as well as restrict your access to it.. Usually, ransomware demands payment before allowing victims to access their computers or files again.

These threats present serious risks, but there are simple ways for individual users to prevent and even address them.

The very first thing individual users must do is simply educate themselves about the threats that are present in the digital world. They must always be careful with downloading files or software, clicking/accessing suspicious links/websites, opening files or attachments, and providing or inputting their personal information online. Users must also implement strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication for extra security. They must also install reliable and effective antivirus software, regularly update their system when updates are available to minimize vulnerabilities.

Organizations, companies, and service providers can also prevent and even address these threats by having information security controls such as preventive security controls, detective security, and Corrective security. Organizations should also apply different controls in information security such as access controls, procedural controls,, technical controls, and compliance controls.

In conclusion, as we rely more on technologies we become even more prone to various cyber threats in the digital world. Information security also plays an important part in protecting users data from these threats. Individuals and organizations must apply technologies, strategies and practice preventive measures to lessen or eliminate vulnerabilities and risk in the system.

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